About Kopasetic

Kopasetic Productions is a production company and an independant record label focusing on jazz and improvised music. It's based in the Malmö/Lund region in the south of Sweden. The members of Cennet Jönsson Quartet and the trio Plunge formed the company in 2003.

We produce the annual International KOPAfestival, extended Swedish and International tours and concerts in Malmö and Lund. Over 30 different bands, from duos to large ensembles, are currently connected to Kopasetic.

Our main purpose as a record label s to release urgent, personal and exciting music originating from the musicians behind Kopasetic, as well as projects involving other creative musicians.

We also have specific concerns regarding the production of the CD's; taking part in all steps (recording, production, artwork, PR and distribution), are all important processes for us. Our aim is to shorten the actual time of the production process and therefore be able to release the material when it still feels fresh to the musicians as well as to the audience. Our aim is to release 8-12 albums per year.

Triple Bass Fantasy at Mejeriet in Lund during KOPAfestival 2008  Photo: Lasse Seger
Triple Bass Fantasy at Mejeriet in Lund during KOPAfestival 2008 
Photo: Lasse Seger